Contribute a Page to this Website!

This site provides information about the history and future of metropolitan Detroit. Please consider contributing a page. As you observe, most pages show one or several pictures of a location and then provide a verbal description of that site. Many locations in this website are within the city of Detroit or its suburbs, although there are web pages describing events or places outside Detroit but important for the city’s development. Buildings, historical markers and important sites are included. However, there are no pages devoted to buildings that were torn down before 2000.

If you wish to contribute a page, please send us a jpg file of the photo to be included and a Word file of the text. If the page your contribute fits with the themes of the Detroit1701 site, we will include it and acknowledge your contribution. Please send the photo and text to: Ren Farley ( or Judy Mullin ( If you have any questions, please let us know.